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When you’re the only one that understands the problem

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You see the problem clearly. You’ve mapped the risks, understand the causes, the impact and urgency.

But no one else seems to notice. Or worse, they notice and dismiss it.

Here’s the thing: being the only one who understands the problem isn’t a burden—it’s a gift.

It means you have the chance to lead, to translate what you see into something others can grasp. The hard part? You have to meet them where they are, not where you want them to be.

It’s not about shouting louder. It’s about building bridges. Share the story behind the problem. People act on stories they can relate to. Show the costs of ignoring it and the possibilities of solving it. Help them feel what you see.

Great leaders don’t solve problems alone; they create a worthy cause that attracts others along for the journey.

If you see the problem, don’t hold it close—create a story that shapes how people feel. That’s how change begins.