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Questions help us see in the dark

Dolphins use sonar to “see” in murky or dark water and 'find' their next meal. They send out a click sound and wait for the echo to return to navigate their way around.

While we have eyes to help us see, it's the questions we ask that help us 'see' a problem clearly or 'find' a solution we had previously missed. Questions are are the equivalent of our sonar.

Asking the right questions will help you see things more clearly.

Here are three types of questions you can use to be able to 'see' a problem better:

1. Situation questions

These are questions that improve your understanding of what is happening.

What is causing this ....

How do we know ...

What is the data telling us about ...

2. Reasoning questions

These are questions that improve your understanding of someones perspective.

What led you to ...

What did you mean by ...

Can you share an example of ...

3. Implication questions

These are questions that improve your understanding of why something matters.

What effect would this have if it continued ...

And then what ...

What if ....

Give these questions a try and hopefully you'll start seeing solutions to your problems more clearly.