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Work with meaning makes you healthier and happier

Pursuing work that has meaning helps you become more successful, uncovers your passions and is healthier for you than choosing to do work that is just fun.

Research has found people who look for purpose and meaning in their work are more successful than those that just look to have fun. 

Meaning fuels determination to overcome obstacles that otherwise would lead to giving up when joy is absent.  It’s easy to give up when there’s no reason to keep going other than having fun.

In a study of entrepreneurs, the more effort they put into their start ups the more their enthusiasm for their business grew each week.  While the work was hard and unrewarding to start with, their passion grew as they gained experience and mastery by learning to overcome problems. 

Having a passion for something isn’t always the starting point.  Sometimes it emerges after giving something a try. 

I never imagined I would have a passion for writing and sharing my thoughts until I tried. 

The more I try, experiment, problem solve and learn the more enjoyment I get out of it.   I do it because it gives me a sense of meaning to help others help themselves.

Data suggests pursuing meaning in work is also healthier than working to just feel happy because it provides a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond momentary happiness.  It makes us feel good for longer, making us healthier.

Choosing what work to do can be confusing.   It’s tempting to run towards the fun things.  If you want to be happier more successful and healthier for longer, search for work that has meaning where you need to learn, solve problems and develop.

Helping people learn how to problem solve is a passion of mine and gives me meaning.  What’s yours?