Judgement makes us feel better. Curiosity helps us get better

Each is a choice. Judgement shouts, "It’s other people’s fault”. Curiosity enquires, "What can I do or learn?”

Curiosity fuels creativity and accountability while judgement feeds inertia and blame.

They can’t coexist.

If you choose judgement, you’ll shut the door to growth and engagement. If you choose curiosity, you fling the door wide open to possibility and connection.

Here’s how to keep the door open to growth and possibility:

  1. Question Assumptions: Instead of defaulting to “This won’t work,” ask, “What would it take to make this work?” Challenging your reflexive thoughts rewires your brain.

  2. Pursue Novelty: Expose yourself to new ideas, people, or places. Studies show that experiencing the unfamiliar boosts dopamine—the curiosity chemical.

  3. Celebrate Small Wonders: Notice tiny details—a bird’s song, a new coffee flavor. Cultivating awe keeps the world feeling big and exciting.

Curiosity doesn’t just open doors—it builds new ones where walls once stood.


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