Confidence is an act

Confidence is something you do, not just something you feel. Confidence comes from choosing to act despite the fear you feel.

It’s easy to think that confidence is something you either have or you don’t. The truth is, it’s a muscle you build by stepping into the unknown.

Confidence acts as a bridge between our fears and our actions, influencing how we approach challenges.

When faced with a challenge, most of us freeze, waiting for the “right” time or for doubt to disappear. It’s understandable but it’s a trap.

The best way to build confidence is by doing things that push you a little out of your comfort zone, even when you're unsure.

Each step forward, no matter how small, proves to yourself that you’re capable. It doesn’t matter if the path is uncertain or if you don’t have all the answers. Confidence grows through action.

The key to creating confidence is not building it, it’s removing what holds it back. What holds it back is the unrealistic expectations and fears we attach to starting something new.

A beginners mindset of curiosity and wonder propels you to start and learn, despite how awkward and uncertain it may feel.

You don’t need confidence to begin—you just need to think like a beginner and let the power of curiosity create confidence though actions.


What else could be true?


Learn to treat conflict as a game of understanding