How changing your story can change your life
We are all unreliable narrators of our lives at times, which can keep us prisoner within our own minds says American psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb. To break free, what we need to do is change the story we tell ourselves, about ourselves.
Feeling guilty while on vacation is much worse than not going at all
If you feel guilty about pursuing leisure or vacation time at the expense of work you won’t get any of the gains of taking time out, says University of Rutgers Business School Professor Gabriela Tonietto. In fact, it will make you feel worse.
A smarter path involves focusing on the gains to your future productivity and mental health by taking time out over the guilt of leaving work behind.
How to avoid creating disasters when making changes to systems of systems
When faced with a problem, it’s tempting to act quickly and fix the issue we see. But in complex systems, a simple solution in one area can cause unintended ripple effects, sometimes creating even bigger challenges elsewhere. Follow these steps to avoid disasters when solving problems within systems of systems.
Three steps to help you leap over your biggest fears
The Greek Stoics developed a three step strategy to overcome fears more than 2,000 years ago called Fear Setting. It’s effective because it reduces the size of the fears you feel and creates a pathway to deal with them. This article shows you how.
How to replace limiting beliefs
Reviewing and testing our beliefs or assumptions about an investment opportunity is a common practice to ensure sound decision-making. But how often do we apply the same scrutiny to our beliefs about ourselves to make better personal choices? This article will show you how.