Why we are wired to believe working hard is a virtue and how to overcome it
University of British Columbia psychology professor Azim Shariff has found we have deeply engrained societal biases that link hard work to morality, even when that work has no purpose or value. This article shows how you can overcome this culture in your organisation.
How perfectionists learn to take more risks
Are you a perfectionist struggling to take risks? It’s common for perfectionists to shy away from them, fearing failure or mistakes. However, learning to take risks is essential for growth and success. In this article is a strategy to help any perfectionist learn to take more risk and accelerate their growth.
How a young entrepreneur used inversion to save his micro brewery
Selling beer the wrong way around. How a young entrepreneur applied strategies used by rock bands, famous artists and one the most successful businessmen of the 20th century to rescue his micro-brewery.
How to get better feedback
We are not always objective observers of our own performance, which is why we all need feedback to grow and develop. However, giving and receiving feedback can be a challenging experience for both the giver and receiver. The keys to receiving feedback are in knowing what feedback to ask for and managing your emotions when receiving it. This article shows you how.
Questions help you see in the dark
Questions help us see in the dark. Like dolphins use sonar, questions help us see when we don't have clarity. Use these three types of questions to help you see better.
How to create a solution when no options work
When two options don't give you the solution you need, see if you can blend them together to create a better one. Follow these steps to see how.
How to avoid creating disasters when making changes to systems of systems
When faced with a problem, it’s tempting to act quickly and fix the issue we see. But in complex systems, a simple solution in one area can cause unintended ripple effects, sometimes creating even bigger challenges elsewhere. Follow these steps to avoid disasters when solving problems within systems of systems.
Three steps to help you leap over your biggest fears
The Greek Stoics developed a three step strategy to overcome fears more than 2,000 years ago called Fear Setting. It’s effective because it reduces the size of the fears you feel and creates a pathway to deal with them. This article shows you how.
How to replace limiting beliefs
Reviewing and testing our beliefs or assumptions about an investment opportunity is a common practice to ensure sound decision-making. But how often do we apply the same scrutiny to our beliefs about ourselves to make better personal choices? This article will show you how.
How limitations drive innovative thinking
Constraints can inspire innovation, but they can also set the stage for failure. Striking the right balance is key to unlocking creativity and success. This article explains the nature of constraints and how to apply them effectively to optimize innovation.
10 strategies to improve teamwork
Great teamwork doesn’t happen by accident. It requires intention, effort, and the right strategies to build trust, collaboration, and alignment. In this article are 10 strategies to help you improve how your teams work.
How to cut through message overload
We’re constantly overwhelmed by communication. On average, we send and receive 160 emails daily, not to mention the dozens of instant messages on platforms like Slack, Google Chat, or Microsoft Teams, plus the endless information from meetings. If you’re struggling to stand out and capture attention, mastering the art of storytelling can make all the difference.
Master your inner monologue with The James Bond Rule
Have you ever paid attention to the tone of your inner voice? We all have one that chats with us throughout the day. Research shows the way we speak to ourselves directly affects our confidence. In this article, we dive into why this happens and how you can take control of your inner monologue using the "James Bond rule."
Strategies to create weeks of ‘free time’
Three strategies that will create weeks of free time each year.